How to Maintain RO Water Purifiers

How to Maintain RO Water Purifiers

How to Maintain RO Water Purifiers

Many Indian homes are equipped with reverse osmosis (RO) water purifiers, which provide safe and clean drinking water. These systems purge water of different impurities using a multi-stage filtration method. It’s essential to adhere to a recommended maintenance schedule if you want your RO water purifier to operate effectively and provide clean drinking water. We’ll go over all the necessary procedures to properly maintain your RO water purifier in this extensive guide.

How to Maintain RO Water Purifiers

1. Realising the Value of Maintenance: RO water purifiers are essential for removing different kinds of pollutants from water. Three steps make up the filtering process: post-filtration, reverse osmosis, and pre-filter. Sand, silt, and other leftover particles are eliminated during the pre-filtration phase to protect the RO membrane. RO might result from improper pre-filter maintenance. can lead to RO membrane damage and compromise the purification process.

2. Maintaining the RO Membrane:

The RO membrane is the heart of your water purifier, responsible for separating solutes from the solvent, allowing only pure solvent to pass through. To ensure clean, safe, and delicious drinking water, replace the RO membrane every 3-4 months to prevent pore clogging.

3. Regular Filter Changes:

Filters in an RO purifier should be replaced approximately every 3 months due to the accumulation of contaminants. Neglecting filter changes can reduce the purifier’s filtration capacity and water quality. Ensure you schedule regular filter replacements to maintain optimal performance.

4. Sediment Filter:

The sediment filter, present in RO water purifiers, should be changed at least once a year. It effectively removes sediment, dirt, and silt, protecting the RO membrane from damage.

5. Carbon Filter:

Change the carbon filter annually to eliminate chlorine and other harmful contaminants that can affect the RO membrane’s performance and water taste and odor.

6. RO Membrane Replacement:

Replace the RO membrane every 2-3 months, considering the water quality and household usage. This ensures that your RO purifier continues to provide high-quality water.

7. Addressing Drips and Leakages:

If you notice any drips or leakages in your water purifier, seek professional assistance promptly. Leaks can lead to significant problems if left unattended. Professionals can identify and resolve the root cause, preventing further damage.

8. Sanitize Your RO Tank:

Regularly clean the pipes of the RO system to maintain optimal performance. Sanitizing the RO tank is essential, and it’s recommended to do this when replacing filters.

9. Annual Maintenance Contracts:

To avoid serious issues with your RO purifier, consider opting for an annual maintenance contract (AMC) offered by reputable brands like KENT. AMC provides a convenient way to ensure your appliance is well-maintained.

Summarizing the Maintenance Process:

  • Replace all filters annually or at least every 12 months.
  • Change the RO membrane annually.
  • Sanitize the water storage tanks.
  • Clean and sanitize the pipes every 2 years.
  • Replace any worn-out parts when necessary.
  • Regularly check the pressure nozzle.


Proper maintenance is very important for the efficient functioning of your RO water purifier. By following these maintenance tips and considering an annual maintenance contract, you can ensure that your system consistently delivers clean and safe drinking water. I have write article on best water purifier list where you can check which water purifier is suitable for your needs. Don’t compromise on the quality of your drinking water—maintain your RO purifier for long-lasting performance and peace of mind.

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